
CPR-TCPD Dialogues on Indian Politics: Discussion on ‘Interpreting the 2019 elections: Settling a research agenda’

Date and Time

July 6, 2018

3:30 pm to 5:00 pm


Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research

Part 1: Talk:

Part 2: Q&A:

The full discussion will be streamed through Facebook live on CPR’s Facebook page.

The run up to the general elections in 2019 have already generated heated political debate. As political activity gains momentum, researchers and observers of Indian politics face the formidable task of interpreting and analysing the implications of these activities both on the immediate elections as well as on democratic practice in the long term. In these polarised times, when debates on politics have become increasingly partisan, building a research agenda to understand the elections becomes even more critical.

This third edition of the CPR-TPCD dialogues on Indian politics will bring together a panel of formidable academics and political journalists to discuss the broad contours of the research agenda for 2019. In order for us to meaningfully contribute to understandings of the shifting dynamics of political life in India, what are the questions that we should be asking and how should we orient our research? Join us for what promises to be a lively and illuminating discussion.

Please RSVP at The seating at the venue can accommodate up to 60 people on a first come first serve basis.

About the series

The CPR-TCPD Dialogues on Indian Politics is a monthly event that brings together academicians, policy and political practitioners, and civil society actors to grapple with important social and political issues in India. It provides a forum for intellectually rigorous, non-partisan commentary to strengthen public discourse on politics in India. In these polarized times, debates on politics in India have tended to be increasingly noisy, blurring the lines between critical engagement and partisan endorsement. This dialogue series is an effort to carve out a space for critical, nuanced engagement to understand the changing dynamics of Indian political parties, the impact of new and emerging social movements and the use of new instruments of mobilization in our polity.

The CPR-TCPD Dialogues is curated by the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) and the Trivedi Centre for Political Data (TCPD) at Ashoka University. Founded in 1973, CPR is one of India’s leading think tanks, providing rigorous policy research on a variety of issues. Founded in 2015, TCPD is among India’s most well-respected institutions working with political data, providing data-driven research, policy work and journalism on India’s political life by producing and disseminating in open access scientifically collected and treated political data. The CPR-TCPD Dialogues leverages the unique strengths of these two institutions to provide rigorous and innovative commentary on India’s social and political challenges.