Policy Engagements and Blogs

CORP Seminar: Malaysian Perspective on River Pollution, Sanitation & Sewerage Management

March 14, 2017


Malaysia has developed an integrated approach to management and treatment of waste from sewered and non-sewered areas that is considered very successful. It is estimated that around 65% of the urban population of Malaysia is covered by network sewerage, while the rest rely on Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) services provided by the same agency that provides network sewerage services.

Through these presentations, Dorai Narayanan discusses the causes and remedies associated with river pollution and their link to the sanitation sector, and contextualises Malaysia’s success story, analysing the associated problems and challenges.

The two presentations can be accessed here:

Rivers and Pollution: Causes and Remedies, and its Link to the Sanitation Sector (above)
Sanitation and Sewerage Management in Malaysia: A Case Study of Reform and Sector Transformation
This is the 11th in the series of the Community of Research and Practice (CORP) seminars planned by the Scaling City Institutions for India: Sanitation (SCI-FI: Sanitation) initiative. More information can be found at the event page.

