
NATIONAL WORKSHOP: WASH Futures: Subsidiarity for service delivery

Date and Time

February 14, 2019
- February 15, 2019

9:30 am to 5:00 pm


India Habitat Centre, New Delhi


As the country moves forward to sustain efforts undertaken through past water, sanitation, and housing programs, while increasing focus on integrated water and sanitation through Jal Shakti and Jal Jeevan missions, this is an opportune time to deliberate on lessons learned from the field and engage with recent research findings. The goal of providing tap water for every household by 2024 will need a new thrust on wise water management practices which would need to be supported by appropriate policies and incentives. Although there is a recognition of the need to improve resource planning, service delivery, pollution abatement, and recycling, while expanding infrastructure for the unserved and underserved, criticle questions around how this can be achieved in an integrated and sustained manner remain unanswered. While the principle of subsidiarity and decision making at the lowest effective scale could hold the key, how can these principles be operationalised at a national scale?

In this context, the Scaling City Institutions for India: Sanitation (SCI-FI) initiative at the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in partnership with UNICEF and WaterAid India, is organising a day-and-a-half long national workshop titled ‘WASH Futures: Subsidiarity for Service Delivery’.

The workshop will discuss SCI-FI and its partners’ research and programmatic insights and promote cross-learnings between stakeholders, including governments (at the central, state, and local levels), academicians, researchers, NFSSM Alliance members, policy makers, civil society organisations, and other development partner agencies.

This workshop will enable participants to develop key recommendations and strategies to strengthen institutional capacity at all levels to deliver integrated planning and WASH solutions.

The concept note with the outline agenda can be accessed here.

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