
Networking Event at the UN-HABITAT III Conference: Think Small, Go Big

Date and Time

October 17, 2016

2:00 pm to


Room No. MR-13, Casa de la Cultura Benjamin Carrion in Quito, Ecuador

CPR Urban team discusses their upcoming event at Quito, Ecuador

A networking event at the UN-HABITAT III Conference organised by the Centre for Policy Research in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Habitat for Humanity, Southern Voice, the French National Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), Slum Dwellers International, and UN-HABITAT

‘Think Small, Go Big’ seeks to bring small urban settlements to the forefront of contemporary cross-national urbanisation debates. It will build on research highlighting dispersed and in-situ trends in urbanisation in many countries, as well as the increasing use of non-network arrangements to access basic urban services. It seeks to initiate a discussion on (a) new methodologies to measure urbanisation that allows more coherent cross-country analysis; (b) the role of smaller towns in the future of urbanisation and their characteristic challenges; and (c) non-network models of urban service delivery, with a focus on urban sanitation.

We invite researchers, practitioners, government representatives and policymakers interested in the future of urbanisation to join us in growing a global network of partners working on smaller urban settlements and informal settlements. The network will work as a collaborative platform to share knowledge, information, resources, and solutions.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

Details of the networking event on the HABITAT III website.

Connect with us on twitter: @CPR_India and @CPRUrban