
Roundtable Discussion on Global Energy Governance

Date and Time

September 27, 2011

12:30 pm to 2:30 pm


Energy security has traditionally been defined in terms of reliable access to and control over fossil fuels. However, the global energy arena is getting ever more complicated, as addressing energy poverty, mitigating environmental harms, and addressing corruption and mal- governance have joined conventional energy security as areas of concern for global coordination. Even as this broader conception of energy security gains political momentum, the global institutional framework for addressing these challenges remains diffused and fragmented. These issues will present a particularly significant challenge for emerging Asian economies, which are now becoming significant players in global energy markets. The LKY School of Public Policy (Singapore) and the Centre for Policy Research (New Delhi), working under the auspices of the ST Lee Project on Global Governance at the LKY School, with additional support from the Mac Arthur Foundation Asia Security Initiative, undertook a research project on “Global Energy Governance.” The result of this project will be published in a special issue of Global Policy, a leading new journal on questions of global governance and policy. Please join us for a roundtable discussion informed by papers from this project. This discussion will be chaired by Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, President – Centre for Policy Research, and introduced by Dr. Ann Florini and Dr. Navroz K. Dubash, editors of the Special Issue.