
Seminar on ‘The Paris Rulebook Negotiations: Issues, Options and Challenges’

Date and Time

May 21, 2018

4:00 pm to 5:30 pm


Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research

The topic will be introduced by Dr Lavanya Rajamani, Professor, CPR,  and followed by a panel discussion with-

  • Mr J M  Mauskar, Adviser, Observer Research Foundation (ORF)
  • Ms Rajasree Ray, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance
  • Mr Thomas Spencer, Fellow, Energy and Climate Change, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
  • Mr Vaibhav Gupta, Senior Programme Lead, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

This seminar will be chaired by Dr Navroz Dubash, Senior Fellow, CPR.

The negotiations for the Paris Rulebook, intended to flesh out the 2015 Paris Agreement and make it operational, are scheduled to conclude this December in Katowice, Poland. Negotiators are engaged in developing guidance on the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted by states, elaborating a transparency framework in relation to the implementation of the NDCs, determining the conceptual architecture and mechanics of the ‘global stock take’ process, and, fleshing out a compliance and implementation mechanism.

Although states have, over the course of the last few years, clarified the issues and options relating to each of these elements for the Paris Rulebook, many fundamental disagreements remain and will need to be resolved in the coming months. This seminar aims to initiate a conversation on the key issues and options relating to the Paris Rulebook negotiations, with a focus on India’s interests and positions, and informed by recent developments at the Bonn Climate Negotiations, May 2018.

The introduction will draw, inter alia, on a recent policy brief by Daniel Bodansky and Lavanya Rajamani titled, “General Issues in Elaborating the Paris Rulebook”, Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions, April 2018.