
Talk on ‘State of Aadhar Report 2016-17’

Date and Time

July 23, 2017

3:30 pm to 5:00 pm


Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research

Part 1: Talk

Part 2: Q&A

.Aadhaar is changing the way Indian residents interact with each other, the modern economy and government. The coverage of Aadhaar is increasing rapidly across India. However, for each of Aadhaar’s use-cases—whether it’s enabling bank account opening or authenticating a cash transfer—we do not have a clear understanding of the intended and unintended impacts of the use-case. Reports of exclusion from government programmes, for example, co-exist with contradictory reports of savings and reductions in corruption.

IDinsight’s State of Aadhaar Report 2016-17 provides a careful unpacking of the various topics related to Aadhaar. The report provides a first-of-its-kind overview of Aadhaar’s technological and operational architecture, legal and governance framework, and its applications in financial inclusion, social protection, and emerging uses in other sectors. The report aims to facilitate a more data and evidence-centric understanding of the Aadhaar ecosystem and highlights important areas for future research.

The discussion will be led by Ronald Abraham,  Partner IDinsight who will share key findings from the report.