
The World Today, The Emerging Countries, and India: A View from the Global Consumption and Income Project

Date and Time

January 18, 2016

12:00 pm to


Conference Hall, Centre for Policy Research

How rapidly is the relative and absolute position of emerging countries in the world economy changing and what impact is it having?  What is India’s role compared to other fast-growing and sizable countries, especially China?  What do these patterns suggest about the possible role in the future about these countries, including India? We introduce the Global Consumption and Income Project, which makes possible an unprecedented portrait of the changing levels of consumption and income of persons over time, within and across countries, around the world, and use it to address these questions.

Sanjay G. Reddy is an Associate Professor of Economics at The New School for Social Research.  He is an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Politics Department of the New School for Social Research and a research associate of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia University.  He has previously taught at Columbia University, and been a visitor at diverse academic institutions in Europe, India and the U.S.
He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University, an M.Phil. in social anthropology from the University of Cambridge, and an A.B. in applied mathematics with physics from Harvard University.  He has held fellowships from the Center for Ethics, the Center for Population and Development Studies at Harvard University, the Center for Human Values at Princeton University, the Justitia Amplificata program of the Goethe University of Frankfurt and Free University of Berlin and, and the Advanced Research Collaborative of the City University of New York. He has received research support from various sources including the inaugural grants program of Institute for New Economic Thinking.

He is one of the co-founders of the Global Consumption and Income Project. He has worked extensively as a researcher, consultant, or expert for development agencies and international institutions, including the G-24 (group of developing countries), the International Labour Organization, Oxfam, the UN Alliance of Civilisations, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Children’s Fund, UN Development Programme, UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research, UN Research Institute for Social Development and the World Bank and has contributed to various expert consultations.

He has been a member of the advisory panel of the UNDP’s Human Development Report, the UN Statistics Division’s Steering Committee on Poverty Statistics and the advisory board of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. He has been elected a Fellow of the Human Development and Capabilities Association. He was or is a member of the editorial advisory boards of Development, Ethics & International Affairs, the European Journal of Development Research, Humanity, the Review of Agrarian Studies, the Review of Income and Wealth, and the Journal of Globalization and Development, and was Associate Editor of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. He was previously Co-Academic Director of the India China Institute at the New School. His work has been translated into Catalan, French, German, and Portuguese.

The event will be jointly organized by the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) and The National Institute of Public Finance and Poloicy (NIPFP), New Delhi.

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