
Tilting at Titling: Will We Ever Get it Right?

Date and Time

November 19, 2015

12:30 pm to 2:00 pm


Conference hall, CPR

Incomplete and inconclusive land titling in India pose serious challenges to the conduct of business and often create situations of injustice by facilitating dispossession and displacement. Disputed ownership is commonplace, with many cases under litigation for decades. Mr. Sanan will review the reasons for such infirmities in land titles in India,  explain how the government typically deals with such infirmities, and demonstrate why the government’s approach is insufficient to deal with the issue of land titling systematically.

Deepak Sanan is an officer of the Indian Administrative Service, and is currently Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh with charge of the Departments of Forests, Environment, Science and Technology. In his career he has held positions offering experience in many sectors including public finance, rural development, water and sanitation, health, urban development, revenue, and power, while working in the state of Himachal Pradesh as well as the Government of India. Mr. Sanan has published regularly on centre-state relations, in particular, on creating incentives to more effectively use central funds to deliver outcomes and improve governance. He is particularly interested in the design of centrally sponsored schemes. He has undertaken a number of assignments as a consultant with the World Bank, IFAD, DFID, IDS Sussex and AusAid relating to his skills and experience in both public finance and rural development and specially in relation to the water and sanitation sector in India. He has also been on the staff of the World Bank as the India Country Team Leader in the Water and Sanitation Program (South Asia).

Lunch will be served at the event.

Please RSVP to landrightsinitiative@cprindia.orgor call at +91 8447767028