
Webinar on: Housing finance access for those with unclear titles: Has the needle shifted?

Date and Time

July 30, 2021

5:00 pm to 6:30 pm


Online via Zoom

A. Ramesh Kumar

SPHM Founder Chairman - Swarna Pragati Housing Microfinance Pvt. Ltd.

Shilpa Rao

Independent Consultant

Bijal Brahmabhatt

Director, Mahila Housing SEWA Trust

Manikandan K.P

Institution Builder, Indian Housing Federation

Arkaja Singh

Fellow, Centre for Policy Research

Ganesh Shankar

Co-founder, Homehub

Centre for Policy Research’s India Housing Report invites you to a webinar on: Housing finance access for those with unclear titles: Has the needle shifted?

About the Webinar
For decades, the problem of delivering housing finance to those with unclear titles and informal incomes appeared insurmountable. While this is now changing, with housing finance companies finding innovative ways to document income, dealing with incomplete and unclear land titles is still a complex issue. We seem to be at an interesting moment of traction for owner-led housing construction. State government support for tenure security and digitisation of land records is growing and the country’s Housing for All programme is seeing maximum uptake in the beneficiary-led construction vertical. But are things really better for those who are unable to demonstrate clear title to their properties? What have been some of the innovations in this regard? What regulatory and implementation hurdles remain, what can the private sector do and what opportunities for collaboration emerge?

The panel brings together housing finance providers, policy researchers, NGOs, tech entrepreneurs and legal experts to weigh in on these questions.

About the India Housing Report
India Housing Report is an online archive and periodic report that brings together the rich but disparate analytical work on housing in India, weaving together key debates on housing affordability, adequacy, technology, finance and tenure with ongoing urban transformations in India that impact livelihood, infrastructure, services, liveability and governance. The archive and associated report seek to catalyse a debate on current issues and explore new directions to study housing and its complexities, intersections and novelties.