Opinion and commentary

Book review: Rajesh Bhattacharya and Annapurna Shaw, Eds. Urban Housing, Livelihoods and Environmental Challenges in Emerging Economies

By Mukta Naik

Sage Journals

November 26, 2022

The article is a review of the book titled Urban Housing, Livelihoods and Environmental Challenges in Emerging Economies edited by Rajesh Bhattacharya and Annapurna Shaw and published by Orient BlackSwan, New Delhi. The piece appreciates the salience of particular interconnections between climate resilience, equity and economic opportunity in a world where urbanisation is an increasingly messy process. It also spotlights the value of the production of South-South comparative knowledge and points out the persistent shortfall in the attention that urban studies scholars have given to integrating ecological issues into discussions around housing and urban economics.

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