Priyadarshini was a Research Fellow at the State Capacity Initiative. Her current research interests include grassroots nationalism and state-led interventions on nation-making through areas such as school education in the Indian context. Her current projects include, a study of elementary education reform in India from the 1975 for the Research in Improving Systems of Education (RISE) program at the University of Pennsylvania. She is also leading a study of the National Integration Council of India and politics of bureaucratic reform at the state level.
She has previously worked with the Centre for Social Impact and Philanthropy at Ashoka University and PwC-India on legal and regulatory reform for Civil Society in India, Public Health and Agriculture. Her recent publications include “India and its nationhood: Grassroots nationhood as conceptual frames” (Nations and Nationalism, 2021) and a co-authored chapter titled “Analyzing the role of Tax incentives for donations to non-profits” (Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy, 2021). She completed her PhD at SOAS, University of London at the Department of Politics as a Felix scholar and her masters in International Relations at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.