Véronique Dupont was a Senior Visiting Fellow at CPR and is an urban demographer at the French National Institute of Research for Sustainable Development (IRD), where she is part of the CESSMA research unit, namely the Centre for Social Sciences Studies on Africa, America and Asia. She was the joint director of CESSMA from 2014 to 2018, and the director of the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities in Delhi from 2003 until 2007. She is also an associated member of the Centre for Indian and South Asian Studies in Paris.
The overarching aim of her research is to contribute to a better understanding of the socio-spatial dynamics of large Indian metropolises, with a focus on Delhi. Her research themes include the interrelations between the transformations of metropolitan territories, urban policies, and the residential and coping strategies of the populations. She is also interested in the mechanisms of social segregation and spatial fragmentation associated with the process of metropolization, with a special attention paid to informal settlements. She contributes to the CPR-IRD joint research programme on “Urbanization, citizenship and urban services in India”.