Policy Engagements and Blogs

Announcements and a Survey from CPR

Yamini Aiyar

November 2, 2020

2 November 2020

Dear Friends,

On 2nd November 2020, the Centre for Policy Research (CPR) will complete 47 years. I write to you all, to express my sincere gratitude for your consistent and unflinching support over these four decades. It is this that emboldens us and pushes us to remain committed to our core values of intellectual rigour, strict non-partisanship and fierce independence.

In recent years, CPR has sought to step out of the ivory towers of policy research and deepen its public engagement. This, is in part a response to the growing polarisation of public discourse in India and across the globe. In equal measure it is a recognition that long-term policy change requires forging a new public consensus. The need for evidence-based, sober and coherent communication is urgent and pressing and CPR strives to make a small contribution in response to this challenge.

Against this backdrop, we are introducing a survey that helps us get to know you better and enables us to send you content that is tailored to your interests. Please do consider answering these questions (I promise it’ll take only a minute!), so we can have the latest analysis by CPR in your inbox. We will also be launching a brand new fortnightly newsletter on the 2nd. Do lookout for this and stay tuned for some exciting updates from us!

Once again, thank you all for your constant engagement with us. We look forward to more such platforms for debates and discussions.

With warmest thanks,

Yamini Aiyar,
President and Chief Executive,
Centre for Policy Research
