Policy Engagements and Blogs

Quality of Healthcare in Rural and Urban India

Jishnu Das

March 2, 2017
2 March 2017
Quality of Healthcare in Rural and Urban India


What is the quality of public healthcare available across rural and urban India? What are the barriers and the potential solutions? Based on extensive field work in Delhi, Madhya Pradesh (rural), West Bengal (rural), Mumbai and Patna, and drawing on 15 years of research, Dr Jishnu Das, a Senior Visiting Fellow at CPR and lead economist in the Development Research Group at The World Bank shares his insights. These can be accessed through:

  • A podcast (above), which explores the issues with the quality of healthcare available to the rural poor, and;
  • An audio recording, where Dr Das presents findings from both rural and urban areas, with a view to opening up a broader policy discussion of federal and state responsibilities towards health in India. This audio recording can be accessed here.

Two of the four research papers Dr Das drew on can be accessed at the following links:

Authors Jishnu Das
