The IND-URBBS program is constructed around understanding how outcomes in urban settlements, e.g. occupational structure, delivery of basic services and broader aspects of citizenship are affected by the interaction between citizens and the State in three types of sites (i) ‘census towns’ vis-à-vis statutory towns (ii) informal settlements in large cities vis-à-vis formal settlements of similar nature; and (iii) peripheral settlements inside the municipal boundaries of the city vis-à-vis settlements outside the boundary. The project facilitates young researchers, especially PhD students, who are exploring these questions in various contexts within India. In this, CPR partners with University of Burdwan in West Bengal and Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research, Mumbai.

The project is funded through the JEAI program of the French Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development) or IRD and builds upon an earlier research project on subaltern urbanisation (SUBURBIN), in which CPR worked with French institution Centre de Sciences Humaines (New Delhi) and French Institute of Pondicherry.