Planners’ Circle: Master Plan(ning) for Urban Water Bodies

TREADS@CPR, in collaboration with NMCG and NIUA, conceived Planners’ Circle as a forum to draw on the experiential wisdom of expert planners about the structure and rationalities of the statutory Master Plan instrument to address water-centric urban planning.

The Planners’ Circle convened its first panel with a distinguished set of planners on June 2, 2023. Dr. Bimal Patel of CEPT University gave the keynote address, while Mr. Asok Kumar IAS, DG-NMCG, chaired the convening and Dr. Srinivas Chokkakula, MoJS Research Chair and Lead, TREADS@CPR, moderated the discussion.

The key insights (attached here) gathered and distilled from the panel discussion aims to generate useful debate and inform research on the scope and relevance of Master Plans in the governance of urban water bodies and river systems.

CPR Perspectives: Interview with Avani Kapur

This month on CPR Perspectives – our flagship interview series commemorating the Centre for Policy Research’s 50th anniversary – we bring you a conversation with Avani Kapur, a senior fellow at CPR, where she also leads the Accountability Initiative.

The Accountability Initiative focuses on conducting cutting-edge research on India’s public service delivery systems and leveraging this information by ensuring it reaches government officials, academics and citizens with the aim of promoting administrative reforms at the frontlines of service delivery.

Kapur has been at CPR since 2008, beginning as a Research Associate at the Accountability Initiative and working her way up to leading the research group today. Along the way, she has led process- and fund-tracking surveys on vital social sector schemes as well as anchored an annual budget brief series analysing the performance of the Indian government’s major welfare programmes – including, this year, a major lookback at the past 15 years of welfare spending and outcomes to mark AI’s 15th anniversary.

In addition to leading AI, Kapur also set up the PULSE for Development platform in 2020, which brings together more than 90 organisations within the development community dedicated to citizen-centric policies and implementation. Kapur is a Tech4Good Fellow and part of the WICCI Council of Ethic, and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Development Policy and Practice.

In our conversation, Rohan Venkat spoke to Kapur about starting at CPR just as the Accountability Initiative was taking shape, the stunning examples of inefficiency she discovered while looking for bottlenecks in public spending in the field and getting positive feedback from the state – including how one government official described AI’s work as being that of ‘physician’ tracking the flow of blood through the body, searching for blockages. Kapur then spoke about why the initiative has moved from talking about accountability to ‘Responsive Governance’, how AI does much more grassroots capacity building work beyond its flagship PAISA public expenditure tracking, and what advice she has for young scholars entering this field.

If you prefer audio, this conversation is also available as a podcast here.

And if you missed our previous interviews, read our conversations with Partha Mukhopadhyay here and with Navroz Dubash here.

(This transcript has been edited for length and clarity).

I’d like to get a sense of how you entered policy in the first place. Did you always know you were going to be going down this road? Could you tell us a little bit about your background well before CPR?

So I was studying history at the Lady Sriram College in New Delhi and I was really loving it. I had great teachers for history who didn’t just focus on the memorization of dates or names but instead about the narratives and stories. All my teachers promoted this sense of inquisitiveness and curiosity and asking questions, not just taking anything on at face value. However, when I got the opportunity to go to a liberal arts college in America, after I had completed two years at LSR, I decided to take that up just because I wanted exposure to different topics. I think I felt that I was a bit too naive and young to decide on a stream and one of the advantages of a liberal arts degree is that I could take up courses on art history, on biology, philosophy, astronomy, even dance or music. The exposure that I got at Smith College definitely paved the way for the journey that I’ve taken in the policy space.
It was during this time when I was at Smith that I took a course on economic policy, and I realised that I had an interest in this field and I wanted to do more in the development space. In fact, during the summer vacations I applied for a research grant and managed to do internships with a micro-finance organization on one break, as well as a research organization on another break. When I completed college, unfortunately in India, during that time there were no real public policy schools and most of the development policy courses in the US were focused much more on international relations or at best international development. But I knew that I wanted to work on India-related issues and so I decided to pursue development studies at the London School of Economics. The course work there, but more importantly, just being in the heart of London where you have numerous scholars coming to visit and give lectures, cemented my decision to work in the public policy space. When I returned to India, I got my first working opportunity at a small research organisation started by Dr Arjun Sengupta, who was then a member of Parliament as well, called the Center for Development and Human Rights. I got to understand some of the rights and welfare literature.
I spent about two years there and then I felt strongly that a thorough understanding of welfare required not just sitting in front of a desk in Delhi, but actually making my way to the realities of the field. I was starting to get a little frustrated about not being able to actually go to the field in that job. And I think luckily at that time I connected with [CPR President] Yamini [Aiyar] and decided to join her in the new initiative she was in the process of conceptualising, called the Accountability Initiative. And 15 years later, it feels almost surreal that I’m now leading that initiative.

That brings us to 2008. As you say that the Accountability initiative was just starting to be conceptualised at the time. So tell us a little bit about that. What was the idea?

When I first joined, India was at the cusp of building the foundations of the rights-based welfare state. You saw an expansion of legislation in key areas of social policy: the right to work, MGNREGA, being a prime example. And you also saw a lot of enhancement in government investment in social policy. What was interesting about this moment was that this expansion in some ways was driven through this unique alliance between civil society organisations on one hand, the judiciary on the other, and members of the political elite. What was also very different about this moment and in some ways, at the heart of this rights-based welfare project was this vision of transforming the dynamics of the citizen state engagement. The idea of empowering citizens to place claims on the state and demand accountability for implementation.
You saw a lot of the new legislation and many of the new anti-poverty schemes that were launched by the government in this phase [had] built into them procedural requirements that asked for greater transparency and created spaces for citizen engagement. For example the use of accountability mechanisms like social accountability, social audits were made mandatory under NREGA. Many of the schemes also talked about the need and importance of participatory bottom up planning.
Yet despite this proliferation of social accountability efforts, there was no analytical framework for understanding and evaluating their effectiveness. It is against that backdrop that AI began this work. The focus of the work was split into two aspects. One strategy was to build a research base and the focus here was to study the unfolding and actual implementation of these new accountability mechanisms, particularly the RTI and social audit. As Yamini would often say, it’s about unpacking the implications of this accountability moment and documenting this new accountability landscape. This was research that tried to understand the citizen-state interactions through these accountability mechanisms, and Yamini was mainly leading that work.
But the second strategy, which is what interested me, was to develop partnerships, to actively engage with the nuts and bolts of implementing social accountability. We started off thinking about education and to do this, we partnered with Pratham and ASER Centre. We initiated an intervention which aimed at strengthening parental participation in elementary schools in a district in Madhya Pradesh through participatory planning. Our work in MP, and in particular that direct engagement with community participation monitoring, meant that every month for a year, I would end up spending time in the field, talking to people, trying to understand what the roles and responsibilities of these parent communities are and trying to develop collectively this ideal plan.
Through that exercise we soon realised that the nuances of government functioning at the local level, whether it’s resource allocation structures, decision making structures, fund flows, end up being a critical bottleneck for effectiveness of these social accountability instruments. In one of the villages that I was working in, the delays in fund flows to schools severely constrained the school’s ability to plan. They never got the money that they had planned for. And as a result, these delays ended up creating a sharp disincentive for citizen engagement and planning. But what was also interesting is that it also undermined the capability of the local administration to respond to the pressures of citizens laying accountability claims. Most of the officials at the local level that we were speaking to, even if they were willing to help, they simply lacked the information or the decision making authority to address the problem and facilitate actions.
This allowed me to get a first hand experience of how implementation works. And in some ways, it was this experience that led us to launch one of our flagship interventions called PAISA.

Yes, and we’ll get to PAISA that in a moment. We’ll also talk about the term accountability. I think the idea that people have in their minds is that money is bottlenecked not by procedural matters but by bureaucratic corruption. What were you finding?

First of all, when the government is making plans or budgets, they’re often making it with incomplete information. Even within government structures, they don’t always have information on what is actually utilised. For the Union government, the second they release money, for them it’s expenditure. But what actually happens with that money is something that particularly then was not captured. There have been some innovations now, but I’m speaking about 2009-2010 where there was very little information about how much of that ₹100 was actually spent and on what?
There was one bottleneck. When you’re trying to create these need-based plans that are done through a bottom-up process, you’re functioning without actually knowing how much money you are going to get in that year and how much you will be able to spend. The problem definitely starts at the planning stage. Once you’ve made the plan, there’s an entire approval process and it’s often the case that what you asked for is not approved. If I’ve asked for ₹100 and ₹60 gets approved, I need to figure out how am I going to divide that 60. If I’ve done my planning right, I would have been able to know exactly where that 40 rupees was meant to go. But if that 40 doesn’t come, how do I rationalise and how do I decide to allocate that money.
We’ve also seen that there are administrative bottlenecks. In one state where we were studying, the sarkari file had to move through 32 desks at the state level alone all seeking approval and trying to capture the corruption question. You’ve got a system of inefficiency in an attempt to capture leakage, but it’s actually leading to a lot more problems in terms of service delivery on the ground.
Some of the decision-making is highly centralised. We have visited schools in Bihar which didn’t have a school building, but there was some order that was passed that every school had to have fire extinguishers. Imagine – a teacher had to lug this fire extinguisher every day back and forth from the school just because someone had passed this order saying that every single school irrespective of need had to get a fire extinguisher. Then you have a situation where money doesn’t come or comes really late. We’ve seen schools where there were annual grants that were meant to come, but either some lag in paperwork or somewhere the bank account numbers didn’t match, so the money just never came in that fiscal year. Or when it came, I’ve seen a number of schools that got money, on the 30th of March or 31st of March, literally one or two days before the financial year is meant to end.
What does the school do? If it doesn’t spend the money, then you’ll be rapped on the knuckles. So the school ends up making decisions of trying to spend, not necessarily on what they need, but on what is faster. I remember going and visiting a large number of schools and what was amazing was that pretty clean looking buildings were regularly getting whitewashed. And when we spoke to people, we realised that that’s one of the easiest ways to spend that money. You whitewash the building so it looks nice and at the same time you are able to show your utilisation. But it still may not be actually what you need because maybe that school didn’t have a boundary wall or didn’t have a toilet facility, but all of those take time.
The other big thing we’ve seen in terms of bottlenecks is that the person who is being held accountable for an action doesn’t always have the authority to undertake that action. We call this the spider web of governance, where you have different people who are on paper meant to be accountable for different activities. But when you start looking at whether they have the authority, the autonomy to make decisions that would enable that accountability, you find that’s not the case. There are a lot of informal networks that are sometimes stronger than what’s written on paper, which impact how services get delivered.

Maybe an outsider’s question here. Why weren’t we – government, or other organisations – tracking this spending already? I don’t know if it’s a naive question, but was it an outcome of the rights based framework that showed up in the late 200s, or is it a matter of capacity?

I won’t say everything is there even now. The fact that we still have governments asking us to help find these bottlenecks and understand what is happening on the ground means there is still a lacuna of information. Part of the reason is that any data below the national level isnt standardised. We haven’t fully valued what all data can be used for, how it can be helped in service delivery, how it can help in planning.
It is, to a large degree, functional capacity. Even now we’ve been studying, for instance data entry operators that collect a lot of data and are responsible for filling information and management information systems which have a lot of ground up granular data. But they don’t have the infrastructure in place. They don’t really fully have computer training in place. So there is a strong capacity gap at the local level, both in terms of data collection, but also data interpretation and data use.
At the national level it’s a question of what we are measuring and what we want to measure. What I’m always surprised about is that the financial side of the story and the physical output and outcome side of the story is rarely analysed together. You’ll have people looking at just the fund flow part and you will have people looking at how many schools were built, how many toilets were constructed. But very few people are actually looking at the process through which money translates into service delivery.
There weren’t too many examples of actual process tracking studies. It was something that was relatively new and it’s been evolving. There’s also a sense that too much information can be dangerous even within the government. So an entire debate in terms of who’s collecting it and for what comes into question as well. Some states are sometimes hesitant to share too much information with the Union government. When we are talking about what’s happening with that ₹100, who’s asking that question? And in some ways, where does that accountability lie?
There were probably some people who would know a little bit about what happened to that ₹100, but that information was never collated nor ever really made publicly available. So you never actually realised that you had the power in terms of using that information about what happens with that money that you have released onwards.

AI has grown tremendously over the years since 2008. And your own role within has evolved quite a bit over that time. Could you give us a sense of how it grew?

It kind of started for me when Yamini asked me to do some research, saying: “Can you tell me how much money actually reaches schools and what is the total education budget? What proportion is going to school bank accounts?” As a young RA, I was of course eager to please my new boss and tried very, very hard to find answers to that question. And I realised that not only was there no work around that, it was impossible to answer. I got training on trying to read budgets. We had a colleague Anit Mukherjee who used to work in the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy who was also partnering with us in the PAISA project and he taught me how to look at budgets and public finance a lot more carefully. I would spend hours in the NIPFP library. Now at least a lot of the state budgets are online. At that time there were 7-8 volumes or maybe even more – thick documents that you have to go through line by line and try to copy onto your laptop. It was very clear that that information just didn’t exist and that’s when we realised that we could fill that gap and try and collect the data.
PAISA started work from when money leaves the government treasury. And to answer this question, we realise that we need to understand government functioning – the links between plans, allocations, expenditures, institutions. How do funds actually flow through the system? What are the links between the needs at the school level and increased expenditures? It was a really exciting time, because, at least in India, public expenditure tracking surveys weren’t very common. Even then, we were very clear that we have to go beyond just expenditure tracking to process tracking.
Expenditure tracking will tell you how much of that ₹100 reaches the ground. Process tracking will also tell you a little bit about the how and the why. The other new aspect we started working on was that we were actually looking at and collecting and analysing district-level data. At that time, the district was never really studied as an implementation unit.
Data, of course, was really, really hard to get. I remember once visiting a government office and collecting some data from them from their computer and then my colleague went a week later and recollected that data, and the two data sets were completely different. This was definitely not a question of corruption. It was just a question of capacity. There were always adjustments that needed to be made and very genuine ones. If money doesn’t come, you can’t stop paying someone’s salary. Money is fungible. So you take it out of a different budget head and then you have to adjust it later. What was really unique for me is we realised that the government itself is not just a monolithic creature. There are people who are very, very real. Who have their own incentives, motivations, and many of them are trying their level best to get things done, but they are also struggling with lack of information, lack of capacity and their own struggles.
Also, for information to be a catalyst for change, people need to be involved in the process of collecting that information. So we did not rely on survey firms. In fact, there were very few survey firms at that time as well, but we would go to NGOs, students and citizens from the same district or the same block and actually get them to collect this information. We were able to get citizens in that sense to participate in governance processes.
One of the best things that we did was partner with ASER Centre in our initial days where we learned a lot. It also allowed us to mobilise a lot of people in the data collection process. In fact, when we were partnering with ASER and coming up with the PAISA national reports, which were part of the ASER report, PAISA became India’s first large-scale citizen-led expenditure tracking survey or process tracking survey. The other thing that we learned through this process was that we hadn’t seen efforts to transfer knowledge on how to do this – how do you create the tools and instruments to generate regular reliable information on service delivery? So we spent a lot of time in our early days making posters, creating ‘how to’ toolkits so that anyone could use this methodology and try their hand at collecting this information bottom up.

For context, for the reader, PAISA is today the flagship research program under AI. It stands for Planning, Allocations and Expenditures, Institutions: Studies in Accountability.

Thank you for remembering the full form. Even now when our state colleagues go to government offices we have to spend some time telling people that we’re not ‘Paisa’ people. Paisa doesn’t mean that we’re going to give you money or take money from you. Since 2010, when PAISA started, we now have full time colleagues in five states of India. And while we started in the education sector, we’ve managed to use that methodology now in different sectors like health, nutrition, sanitation as well as in local governments, at the gram panchayat level.
There were roughly 3 steps: The first was building evidence and research so that was a lot of the desk-based work where we would study the three P’s – the public finance aspect, the processes and the people. Next was going a little deeper into the administrative data that was available, but also coming up with these tactical scalable tools where we could actually collect information on gaps that we saw. This was also accompanied by the capacity building initiative to empower citizens, by getting them to be part of this tracking exercise and use that data collected themselves as well. And then finally, we shared that information not just with the highest levels of bureaucracy, but through the government hierarchy. I think again that was something that was a little unique. Earlier, there was this feeling that a lot of the policy research rests in Delhi or at the state level. But we used to go and speak to district magistrates to cluster resource coordinators to block level officials to school management committees, sharing with them findings.
I remember in December 2015 we had conducted this large-scale PAISA survey where we had combined different schemes – ICDS, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Swachh Bharat Mission. This is after 2014 when the Finance Commission had talked about more untied resources. So we wanted to understand what’s happening with schemes in particular. But when we went to the ground where it found very pretty much similar things that we had seen before, which was the structure challenges of the public finance system, who’s not receiving their money or not receiving it on time. Instead of presenting a report to the government, we ran something that we called PAISA dialogues.
The idea of a dialogue was that instead of circulating reports, we would try to share research findings through a dialogue with certain block-level implementing officials. The overall objective was to leverage research findings to catalyse the discussion on how to improve implementation. So between May and December 2016 we held a total of 40 such PAISA dialogues across ten districts in which we were working. And it was amazing. The kind of response that we got, it forced us also to ask ourselves: Where does our role end? Does it end in just identifying the problem? Or does it also mean that we need to force ourselves to really think about what possible solutions could be? That was a big journey for PAISA. We have since then moved towards articulating the Accountability Initiative’s vision from just accountability to responsive governance.

One of your key insights is that it is not just a matter of us outside the government not fully understanding these processes, but many people within government not having the information either. How have governments at different levels responded to PAISA and your work?

I think we’ve been lucky that there’s been limited scepticism. A senior official from the Elementary Education Department in Purnia in Bihar summarised what we do better than we could:
“The flow of funds through various levels of the government is very similar to the flow of blood from the heart to various parts of the body. If there’s a blockage somewhere, it affects the entire body. So in that regard, PAISA studies do the work of a physician.”

That is what we had hoped would happen. To diagnose where that blockage is and share that with the government because at the end of the day, all of us are trying to ensure that service delivery improves. The intent was never to point fingers, but literally emphasising that this is our problem, not just yours, and so that we can have a meaningful discussion on solutions as well.
I remember relatively early on in 2013, we got a request from the Ministry of Human Resource Development, now the Ministry of Education. They came and asked us to undertake a PAISA study for the midday meal scheme. And I remember being really confused. I had gained confidence by then to actually ask government officers questions. So I remember asking him, ‘Sir, you already have this information or even if you don’t, it’s so easy for you sitting in the ministry to collect this information. You don’t need us. You could literally pick up the phone and try and get all the other officers to collect it for you.’ And I remember so clearly that he turned around and said to me, ‘as an administrator and a researcher, we have very, very different lenses and we’re able to gather different sets of information.’ And I remember him also saying that ‘I don’t just want to hear information that people think I want to hear, but I want to be proved right or proved wrong in my own assumptions.’
That has been really heartening. Even when governments often have access to this information, they have seen value in the kind of work that we’ve been doing. I remember again a district administration coming to us when there was a lot of pressure to meet the Swachh Bharat Mission target of October 2019. There were a lot of construction activities happening on the ground. While the SBM approach talked about it being a lot more demand-led focus on behaviour change, at that time, it was the last year of the mission, a lot of the focus was just supply and infrastructure. This official asked us to use our techniques to ground truth through actual observations whether toilets are there, whether they are being used, but also to understand from the service providers what they thought about this campaign. I really liked the fact that he was curious to know actually what the CEOs (Chief Executive Officer), the gram panchayat sarpanch to the block development officer, what they actually thought about the campaign. To what extent did they believe in it and how it had impacted their work.
It’s much easier for people to open up when it’s not your boss asking you the question, but someone who is independent, going in as a researcher, having conversations with people about what they do and how they feel and their motivations, their incentive, their means, their opportunities. It’s amazing how receptive the government has been for us to kind of come in and help them either think through their own research questions, but also validate, verify and question.

Over the years, you’ve moved away from the term accountability and now see your mission as being that of advocating ‘Responsive Governance.’ Could you tell us more about that shift?

Throughout our journey, we were constantly using the learnings to further develop our theory of change. The critical point for me personally came in 2017 when I took over. In 2018, we would have completed 10 years of our existence and an important question that we were asking ourselves was, where do we go from here? We’ve had a successful 10 years, but do we want to do more of the same? How do we scale our impact? When we started doing our own diagnosis, we realised our strengths was our research on understanding the nuts and bolts of implementation. But there was this missing gap between researchers and implementers. In our team also there was always this little bit of a friction saying, ‘Should we just stop at saying these are the bottlenecks, or should we push ourselves to think of solutions?’ And most of the research organisations around us were focused more on the academic and policy circles. And then there were the CSOs [Civil Society Organisations], which often didn’t have the tools to use that evidence or the research, nor did they know how to actually navigate the government structures or even constructively work with the government. We felt like there was this gap and we were kind of one foot here and one foot there.

Around the same time there was a growing body of work that said, for citizens to effectively demand services, it’s not enough to just give information on rights and entitlements. It’s important for them to learn how to navigate government systems. I remember works by Jonathan Fox and others called ‘doing accountability differently’ and there were several others, who said that for social accountability interventions to actually succeed, you need practitioners to have the tools to navigate the local context better. But you also need the state to not be thought of as this monolithic creature.

That’s when we rearticulated our vision towards responsive governance. We used the social accountability definition and applied it to our work, which rests on 3 pillars:

  • An empowered citizenry that is able to articulate their voice
  • Informed decision makers that are able to develop policies aligned with that citizen voice
  • The right service providers who have the right incentives to be able to do their jobs well

Using that we realised that it’s really important for us to work across all three stakeholders. So we provide both government and citizens with access to information on schemes, government functioning, bottlenecks and implementation. For citizens, we also figured out that it’s important to provide them with tools to allow them to navigate the local state. We work with service providers to build their capacity and recognise those spaces for increased citizen engagement. And then of course, we also work with governments in identifying the root causes for implementation failures. We advocate with them for opening up more spaces for citizen engagement.

It was a journey that was happening globally as well, but I think we saw it in our own work: The need and importance of working across different levels and not just thinking of ourselves only as a research group or implementation group, but bridging that gap between research and practice required us to redefine ourselves as working on responsive governance.

So with that shift, could you give us a sense of everything that the initiative is doing today, PAISA and beyond?

One is of course research. PAISA is a methodology and a tool. There are times when we focus more on the administration side, such as capacity, there are times when we focus more on the expenditure side, but our core goal is to continue looking at process tracking studies. Another big flagship project for us is the budget briefs. Again, it started literally from when Yamini asked me that question about understanding how much money is going to different things in the education sector. Eventually I was able to create a 2-3 page brief. We felt that the difficulty in trying to collate that information, which was not available in one place, but required going through multiple government websites. It required detection work where RTI responses versus what was on the website versus parliamentary answers all had very, very different data even for the same year. Having gone through all that trouble, we felt like it was useful to share that with the world, and particularly with Members of Parliament.

We felt if we could share what we had learned at least for the large schemes with Members of Parliament and other decision makers, maybe it would help them get access to knowledge that may not have been easy for them to otherwise access. So we started the budget briefs. This year was our anniversary year, where we completed 15 years of budget briefs. Every single year, come rain, come hail, we’ve produced our budget briefs. This year, in fact, we did an anniversary issue where we were able to look at welfare trends over the last 15 years in the budget analysis.

The second thing that I think we’ve expanded on in the last few years is our capacity building courses. A lot of this comes from the fact that we spend a lot of time understanding how public finance and administration works and we felt it makes sense to then share that information with others. So we have one course called ‘Understanding state capability’ which is in an experiential learning program tailored for development professionals and students to unpack India’s very, very complicated governance structures. The idea is that it will build a community of impactful leaders.

Since we have colleagues in five states, we realised that we needed to initially build their capacity as well. They all had a lot of experience undertaking surveys but they didn’t necessarily have the theoretical background of government structures, of budgets, of fiscal federalism or even of social accountability. So we ended up training them first and now they run this program called Hum aur Hamaari Sarkaar. The idea here is that we try and teach civil society organisation leaders and practitioners on the ground. Our hope is that by doing this course of trying to unpack this black box of what is sarkar and what is implementation, they can design appropriate interventions. We’ve had different organisations from Pratham, Piramal, some very, very small grassroots organisations also taking our courses. These courses are delivered in Hindi and we try and hold them in Tier 2 cities. We’ve been very conscious that it’s not just the translation of the English program or a translation of research, but it’s actually trying to see what is most useful for different people who are going to be taking the course.

Then we have a course called Hum Sarkaari Adhikari, which is for local government actors and institutions. So Panchayat secretaries, sarpanches, ward members. We also developed a tool which was earlier a part of our training program called Mapping Governance. In a federal structure like India where you have decentralisation, elected representatives, bureaucrats, quasi-government bodies, all working together, understanding how services are delivered is a challenge in itself. There are informal and formal lines of reporting and accountability. We try to map out this governance. It’s an interactive visual tool that gives a holistic understanding of social sector programs.

While we were always one for convening and having discussions and dialogues, during the COVID-19 pandemic, I had co-conceptualised, with a friend and colleague from Pratham, the need for a platform for development partners to come together. This was during COVID-19 where there were so many organisations that were doing amazing work, but a lot of the existing platforms focused very much on service delivery on the ground. But what were the research organizations doing? What were the implementing organisations doing or the funding organizations doing? So we started this platform called PULSE for development and again it has a long name. It stands for Platform to Understand, Learn, Share and Exchange (PULSE) for development. It was a resource sharing platform initially. In 2022 as the pandemic waned, we made a conscious decision to include within it longstanding development issues and shift the focus towards the attainment of the SDGs. In this present form, PULSE for development has become a community of practice where we have cross-pollination of knowledge. There are nearly 100 member organisations and almost 200 individual practitioners. This includes even young IAS and state officers as well as implementing organisations, research organisations, think tanks, funders, grassroots organisations. The idea is to have an interdisciplinary pan-India community of practice and we cover 16 themes and we often have regular coffee chats on critical issues that different organisations are working on.

It’s been really interesting. I remember one session where we had different government officers who work in difficult geographies, but at the same time very, very different states. So someone from Arunachal Pradesh, someone from Maharashtra, someone from Odisha. But when they started talking about some of the challenges that they were all facing, you could see this exchange of ideas of ‘Oh, that’s what you’ve done. That sounds really interesting. Would love to learn more about it.’ So we think of ourselves as kind of reducing the learning curve for organisations and government by being this repository, but also facilitating interaction and engagement between government on one hand and different types of organisations on another.

What misconceptions about your area of work — accountability, public finance, welfare spending and studying government — do you find yourself having to correct all the time, whether it’s from the lay public or even fellow scholars or people within government?

I think the biggest misconception on accountability is that it’s a fault finding mission. I remember sitting in a government meeting where they heard the name of the initiative and said, ‘Oh then I have to be careful about what I say’ and when they learned what we do they said ‘Oh you mean the good kind of accountability.’ And I didn’t actually know that there was a bad kind of accountability. It’s not a fault finding mission. It’s also not just external. It’s as much internal. It’s accountability to ourselves, to be able to do our jobs to the best of our ability. Also, it’s not just vertical, it’s not that I’m accountable just to my boss. I’m equally accountable to people below me, but it’s also equally horizontal. How do I interact with my peers and with other stakeholders?

I think the other misconception is that we’re not all embedded in this complex set of relationships. Accountability is complicated and so is governance. There is no black and white, there’s often a lot of grey. That’s one big misconception about our work that I wanted to repeat. It’s not a fault finding mission. It’s not someone externally trying to lay blame and point fingers at all.

On public finance, one of the biggest misconceptions was that it’s a very technical skill or it’s a very technical concept. But I think, since I hadn’t actually got formal training on public finance and literally learned on the job, I’ve learned that using a public finance lens can tell you a lot about people, about institutions, about federal relations, whether it’s Centre-state dynamics or state and local dynamics, it tells you a lot about who has decision-making power based on the concentration of financing on funding. It’s actually super interesting and it’s a lens that you can use in your work. It’s not just data crunching. It’s not just numbers. It’s not just technical skills. There are times when you do the mundane data crunching and more than that data entry, but it’s when you’re trying to look at the stories and what it’s telling you, that’s where it’s definitely super exciting and can get really interesting.

That leads into my next question, which is what advice would you have to young scholars entering this space? What tools or lenses or approaches that you found most useful would you recommend to someone who’s entering this area?

The world now is so competitive that the younger generation is already often looking for specialisation. I see young 20 year olds who are, at least in their CVs, specialists in different skills. My advice would be there’s always time to pick specialties, but initially you should just be building your knowledge and understanding your issue through different lenses. If I go back to the question of how I started, where my history background actually helped me understand economics better and led me to a public policy world, I do think that that liberal arts degree — even studying philosophy — all of these are things that you never know when you’ll use it.

The other thing that I would say is listening to different scholars speaking across topics really helps and I think this has been one of the great parts of CPR where we have people across different walks of life talking about different aspects of their work.

I do think and maybe that’s my bias a little bit is that in today’s day and age some data proficiency is useful. It helped me become more structured in my argument, because the second you’re working with data, it forces you to be more organised, be more structured, and also not take anything at face value because you could slice the data in different ways and you could get very different answers and results. For all of those aspects, I would say some understanding of data — and I don’t just mean quantitative data, it could even be qualitative data — is really useful.

Yeah, I think I’d be happy to direct anyone who’s working in this space to get a little bit of philosophy every once in a while. Are there specific pieces for AI or of your own work you’d like to direct people to as either things that encapsulate your work, or that you think would be valuable for someone who’s interested in this conversation?

Definitely, budget briefs and the 15 year trends.

The other piece would be one I did with Yamini Aiyar, called ‘The centralization vs decentralization tug of war and the emerging narrative of fiscal federalism for social policy in India’. In some ways it encompasses some of the inherent tensions in our fiscal federal framework. It gave me the opportunity to both use my quant skills, but it was fascinating because I got a chance to talk to finance officers and planning officers across different states.

We did one for CPR policy challenges, which forced me to look at everything that I have understood on centrally sponsored schemes and social policy and put it together in one place. That may be an easy snapshot summary of some of the lessons that we have learned through our PAISA work and through our other work at Accountability initiative.

What 3 works have influenced you personally?

This is a very difficult question because I think at different avatars and different times of my life, I’ve been influenced by different works. So I will cheat and not just stick to three.

In college I was deeply affected by Paul Farmer’s Pathologies of Power. That pushed me to work [and] wanting to work in the development sector a lot more. Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu and Robinson and Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen — all of these propelled me into the public policy space. When I joined CPR on accountability, Jonathan Fox’s work — where he explains the sandwich strategy — we use that in our courses as well, so that’s been really influential for us.

As someone who is starting to understand intergovernmental fiscal transfers I would highly recommend Robin Broadway and Anwar Shah’s book, Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers, Principles and Practice. It’s very long, but it’s got nice, clean sections, so you can pick and choose what you want to do. It’s like an encyclopaedia of everything you want to know on intergovernmental fiscal transfers. Rethinking Public Institutions in India by Devesh Kapur, Pratap Bhanu Mehta and Milan Vaishnav was again super interesting. What I like about edited volumes is that you get to learn a lot from very, very different perspectives.

For someone who’s just starting out and doesn’t necessarily want to get too technical, I think there are a large number of books where you get a glimpse of the welfare state or glimpse of public policy without necessarily feeling like you’re studying it. Recent works like M Rajshekhar’s Despite the State: Why India Lets Its People Down and How They Cope was really fascinating and similarly I think Ajay Shah and Vijay Kelkar’s In Service of the Republic: The Art and Science of Economic Policy. It’s also a course now on Coursera. I can go on, but I’ll stop now.