CPR Faculty Speak: Avani Kapur



Avani Kapur is a Fellow and Director at the Accountability Initiative (AI) at CPR. The focus of her work has been in building evidence for policy advocacy to strengthen transparency and accountability in public financial management for service delivery. As part of her work, she leads research studies on health, sanitation, nutrition and education financing and has also been anchoring the publication of the annual Budget Brief series and implementation of fund tracking surveys on key social sector schemes. She has an MSc in Development Studies from the London School of Economics, UK and a BA cum laude from Smith College, Massachusetts, USA.

In this edition of CPR Faculty Speak, Kapur talks about her work and interests at CPR, why they matter, what impact she hopes to achieve and more.

Tell us about your research work and interests at CPR.

I lead a research group within CPR known as Accountability Initiative which works on enabling responsive governance. As the name suggests, we believe that for public welfare services such as health, education, nutrition, sanitation, social safety nets etc. to work well, one needs a strong, transparent governance system that is responsive to citizen needs.

Over the last 13 years, we have been trying to align citizens, service providers and decision-makers in this area using a combination of research, dialogue and experiential learning programmes. For instance, through our research work, we identify and analyse the reasons that work against efficient public services delivery in India. We then provide the evidence to policymakers, development practitioners, academics and the media. We work on building capabilities of both government and citizen groups to engage with each other and on increasing citizen engagement in policymaking and implementation.

My personal research interests are in understanding the design and implementation of India’s welfare system from the lens of public finance.

Why do these issues interest you?

For AI, it comes from an understanding that a mature environment for accountability requires two things to co-exist. From the government side, you need institutions to be designed well and in a manner that allows spaces for them to be held accountable and responsive. At the same time, you also need citizens to understand how the government system works better. It’s only if they have the information capacity and can navigate the governance system, that citizens are able to effectively draw on platforms for engagement.

My personal interest is in public finance, and it’s amazing how much information can be revealed by just following the money! Who makes expenditure decisions and how are they made? What do people prioritise and why? How are budgets for interventions designed and how and when do funds flow? The most interesting is the centre-state dynamic in this. Sometimes, one feels like a fiscal detective – trying to use fiscal forensics to understand the state, the people and the processes that make it work.

How have these issues evolved in the country and globally over the years?

Accountability as a concept used to be in vogue in the early 2000s. There was the Right To Information (RTI) movement, in 2006 MGNREGS came through civil society mobilisation, and social audits gained prominence. There were several studies trying to understand the accountability mechanisms that were in place, including at invited spaces such as School Management Committees, Institutionalised Social Audit Units, citizen report cards, performance budgeting, etc.

Unfortunately, over the years, the word has acquired negative connotations – as a fault finding mission or often, as just trying to find corruption. Consequently, one has mistaken accounting for accountability. Instead of asking what’s constraining the government to do their job well, the thrust, even internally across government hierarchies, was on creating checklists, rules and regulations or asking for reports and accounts (like hisaab). This automatically constrains autonomy and doesn’t allow for innovation or accountability. It’s clearly visible in the dynamics of centre and state or state and local government, or even the public finance management and data systems that are designed.

Going forward it’s going to be important to again change the narrative towards one of accountability for outcomes rather than the inputs that go into achieving that outcome. I am hopeful. Recently, there has been a recognition that citizens need to understand the constraints a state faces and the state, in turn, requires a vibrant civil society. While the language may no longer be of accountability, there is a consensus that there is a need for greater trust-building and dialogue on both sides.

What impact do you aim to achieve through your research?

What we hope for is that by unpacking the complexities of the government and its welfare architecture, we are able to make the government more comprehensible and in extension create the conditions for it to be accountable. In some ways, we envision our role as facilitators of local transformation by offering fact-based knowledge from our research studies and training programmes to both citizens and the government. This, we hope, will not only develop a deeper understanding of the Indian state but increase dialogue and public discourse leading to more avenues of engagement.

At a macro level, success for me would be the design and implementation of policies where people are at the front and centre, including the acknowledgement of their needs, incentives, motivations and capacities. At the most basic level, I hope that our research reaches the right person at the right time so that the government can use it to design solutions.

What does a typical day look like for you at CPR?

Usually chaotic, but rarely dull! We work in six states and so our teams are spread across the country – from Bihar or Maharashtra to Himachal Pradesh, and soon we will have a presence in Meghalaya and Andhra Pradesh too. Moreover, our work is also spread across three streams. The first is research, which includes both primary and secondary research – collecting and collating government data including state budgets. The second is our learning and development work as part of which we run capacity-building programmes. The third is finding creative ways of sharing our learnings and communicating back with the government and citizens.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when most of our fieldwork and even government meetings were on hold and we were working from home, we focussed a little more on trying to boost morale through learning workshops and coffee chats for the staff. We also continued to capture insights and evidence on policies and priorities, including the likely impact of the pandemic on sectors such as nutrition, education, etc. and also state finances.

In non-pandemic times, it would be similar, but add in a few more brainstorming conversations which are best done face to face over the lunch table, to actually understand the disconnect that happens between the intent of policies and actual on-ground implementation.

For me personally, a typical day includes reviewing AI’s projects and building collaborations and external engagement. If I am lucky, I manage to sneak in some more reflecting and writing time as well.

What are you currently working on and why is it important?

We are just starting some work on health financing. The pandemic has made it even more critical to look more closely at how money for health is allocated and spent, as well as differences across states which led to variations in the ability of states to respond. That spending on public health in India is abysmally low is well established but given that revenues are constrained for states and likely to remain so, understanding how to improve the quality of spending will be key going forward too.

I’ve also been looking more closely at the frontline including local citizen-state engagement during COVID-19. In a recent piece I co-authored, we looked at hundreds of grassroots accounts from citizen journalists and government workers embedded in communities across rural India to identify areas of divergence and synergy in the experiences.

To know more about Avani Kapur’s work and research, click here.

CPR Faculty Speak: Manju Menon


Manju Menon is a Senior Fellow at CPR, where she undertakes research, writing, and community projects on environmental justice and the politics of resource rights. She has engaged with India’s environmental laws and policies for over two decades. She holds a PhD from the University of Technology, Sydney and a Masters degree from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. She was awarded the Nehru-Fulbright fellowship in 2011. She is a member of the UTS Climate Justice Research Centre and Kalpavriksh, an environmental research group.

In this edition of CPR Faculty Speak, Menon talks about her work and interests at CPR, why they matter, what impact she hopes to achieve, and more.

Tell us about your research work and interests at CPR.
I coordinate several research projects under the broad thematic area of Infrastructures and Ecologies. The main aim of this research cluster is to advance multidisciplinary and applied research on the political ecology of large infrastructure projects. I pay attention to the intersections of mega infrastructure development, natural resources, legal governance and accountability frameworks. My research has focused on development in ecologically sensitive geographies such as mountain ecosystems and the coasts as well as the role of environmental regulation in urban infrastructure projects.

I joined CPR in 2011 to start the Environmental Justice Program in collaboration with Namati. This program focuses on the gap between the conditional environmental approvals given to industries and their compliance with these conditions. Our research tries to address this huge gap within the institutional system through a mechanism of community learning, government engagement and by seeking remedies through processes that involve affected people and local government bodies.

Why do these issues interest you?
These research projects highlight the fallout of the economic growth and environmental accountability models set in the 1990s or earlier. That was when environmental sustainability and inclusive growth discourses started to gain traction in projects, policies or government decisions. But these discourses mean different things to the various actors that every large project brings together and they result in very different outcomes when they land on the ground. I am interested in seeing how these different meanings and definitions may (or may not) be reconciled and who will make this effort if our existing institutions are not up to the difficult task. Without forums and meeting points for dialogue and understanding, the environmental and economic outcomes are left to intractable contests.

How have these issue evolved in the country and globally over the years?
I’m afraid that we are not making gains in the sustainability aspects of governance. The reforms of the 1990s promised that economic growth would take care of both social justice and environmental improvements. But that has simply not happened because of institutional failures to regulate and redistribute the cost-benefits of projects towards improving the commons, whether it is natural resources, public institutions or welfare schemes.

There has been a lot of backsliding over the past fifteen years on social and environmental rights and this space is occupied by hyper technical mechanisms to solve the climate and environmental crises. This situation is not unique to India alone, it is a global phenomenon. Global capital has a disproportionate influence on governance institutions at all levels. As the world of capital works itself out one crisis after another, the social life of the planet is implicated in these processes.

The overall scenario looks quite disheartening because democratic institutions globally are struggling to cope with the demands of capital and the effects of climate change.

What impact do you aim to achieve through your research?
Our projects help us think about practical and experimental approaches to the governance of socio-ecologies. There is a lot of new conceptual thinking on this topic but much of it remains in academic and policy forums. Similarly, social and environmental movements are also thinking and discussing these issues in more inclusive and intersectional ways. My aim is to make our research projects a forum where these new ideas can be piloted and tested. Our teams of field-based and policy researchers work together to achieve this goal.

We hope to use our research to inform infrastructure planning and implementation with analysis on resource-based livelihoods, conservation, and other land-use practices. These aspects are usually assumed as easy to accommodate, but there are enough examples to show that it is easier said than done. Now that we are seeing the devastating impacts of climate change and pandemics, I believe that such research inputs will be timely and valuable to society.

What does a typical day look like for you at CPR?
These days, it is all about being virtually in touch with our community partners, government offices and field researchers in different places. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread in India, this has been very hard to do with many of the places we used to work in. The lockdown last year disrupted several ongoing monitoring exercises and remediation processes.

A typical day involves research activities like data collection, literature review and analysis. Our work involves reading a lot of government documents on projects and policies. Since we produce a lot of materials in the form of academic papers, articles, training manuals, case studies and policy reports, a lot of time is spent in individual or group writing sessions. We also spend time in research meetings and discussions with colleagues within and outside CPR. Finally, this work is possible because of organisational administration and support which is why we spend quality time on planning, administering our projects and managing collaborations well so that work can be done smoothly.

What are you currently working on and why is it important?
I am currently researching a terrible case of evictions of a large informal migrant workers housing basti at the border of Delhi and Haryana. The basti is being demolished because it is on municipal corporation land that is categorised as forest land. The demolitions have been on for nearly a month now in the middle of the monsoon and a pandemic. It is one of the worst evictions I have seen. This example shows how the urban poor are made to pay the costs of massive environmental and urban planning disasters.

My colleagues at CPR are presently engaged in the Masterplan process for Delhi. Their contribution is very important because if the planning agencies do things right at the planning stage itself, such cases could be avoided.

To know more about Manju Menon’s work and research, click here.

CPR Faculty Speak: Mukta Naik


Mukta Naik, a Fellow at CPR, is an architect and urban planner. Her research interests include housing and urban poverty, urban informality, and internal migration, as well as urban transformations in small cities. She has written widely in the print and digital media and has also run a market research and media services company. As trustee for a Gurugram-based NGO and a Board Member for a Netherlands-based Foundation, she is also deeply involved with community-based initiatives. Naik is a graduate of the School of Planning and Architecture, where she is also a visiting faculty member. She has a master’s degree in urban and regional planning from Texas A&M University.

In this edition of CPR Faculty Speak, Naik talks about her work and interests at CPR, why they matter, what impact she hopes to achieve and more.

Tell us about your research work and interests at CPR.

At CPR, I work broadly on thematic areas that lie at the intersection of urban governance and migration studies. A key strand of my work in this is housing, specifically forms of rental housing that accommodate migrant workers in Indian cities but also broader explorations of the links between housing informality, urban livelihoods and quality of life especially for the urban poor. A second strand examines the role of small cities in migration pathways, which links with CPR’s longstanding work on subaltern urbanisation. A third emerging strand of my work investigates how social protection and services are organised in urban areas, cross-linking with the work of the Accountability Initiative at CPR.

Why do these issues interest you?

I come from a background in urban planning and before joining CPR, my practice comprised strategies to improve habitat in informal settlements. I developed a deep interest in how low-income communities, especially rural migrants, inhabit the urban space; what their experiences of livelihood, employment, access to services and housing are; and how they interact and negotiate within their social contexts in order to achieve social mobility.

This specific intersection of migration and urbanisation is exciting because place-based governance structures have not really thought about how to deal with mobile populations, even though this seems like a fundamental need for a large, diverse country like ours with such an uneven economic geography and consequently, uneven distribution of employment opportunities.

How have these issues evolved in the country and globally over the years?

The exodus of migrant workers out of cities back to home villages during the pandemic has placed a spotlight on migration in India, just as the Syrian refugee crisis had in Europe a few years ago. Like the latter advanced migration studies substantially, I anticipate a spurt of research on migration issues in India.

What impact do you aim to achieve through your research?

In this, I hope to contribute to developing theoretical and policy frameworks around migration governance, which are deeply linked to processes of economic growth, structural transformation, urbanisation and social change in India.

What does a typical day look like for you at CPR?

A typical workday would have 2-3 meetings, a mix of internal brainstorming sessions with other team members and interactions with funders and collaborators. It might also have a component of research, like a physical field visit. Sadly, in current COVID-19 times, these have been reduced to a phone or online interactions. The rest of the time would be spent answering emails and if I’m lucky, getting in a couple of hours of writing.

What are you currently working on and why is it important?

I am currently leading a UNICEF-funded research project examining social protection and services for migrant women and children in five states, with a view to examining pre- and post-COVID-19 policy responses. The diversity, rationale and effectiveness of these responses is expected to offer insights into future policymaking in the migration context.

Parallelly, we are producing and curating a range of outputs on housing on a dedicated website called the India Housing Report, and will bring out a report by the same name in the summer of 2021. The report focuses on interlinkages between housing and health, infostructure, planning, finance, society, livelihoods and more. In drawing these links, it seeks to re-orient housing policy away from merely delivering houses to building resilient urban communities.

To know more about Mukta Naik’s work and research, click here.

CPR ranked highest in India in the 2014 ICCG climate think tank rankings

CPR ranked highest in India in the 2014 ICCG climate think tank rankings

We are pleased to let you know that the Centre for Policy Research has been ranked highest in India, highest among developing country think tanks, and 14th globally by the International Centre for Climate Governance (ICCG) in its standardized global climate think tank ranking for 2014.

The ICCG produces a ‘standardized’ ranking of climate think tanks every year, adjusted for the number of researchers. They also produce an ‘absolute’ ranking, which ranks think tanks independent of size. In both rankings, ICCG uses 15 indicators organized around three categories: Activities, Publications and Dissemination. For the full rankings click ICCG ranking.

CPR’s ranking of 14th globally, and highest among developing country think tanks in the standardized ranking, is based on the output of the 11 researchers at CPR working only on environment and climate related areas among our total staff of about 100. In the absolute ranking, which is not adjusted for size of the environment/climate-related team, we are the second highest rated Indian think tank and in the top 100 (74th) globally.

We are pleased to receive this high ranking, which recognizes the quality of the work done by our relatively small team. At the same time, we recognize any such ranking effort necessarily has to simplify a complex research and policy landscape to arrive at quantitative scores. This involves methodological issues, such as how to draw boundaries around environment/climate work, and substantive issues, such as providing equal emphasis to both national and international work, and mitigation and adaptation. The challenges of developing a ranking system that accounts for all these complexities should be kept in mind when reading ranking results.

We wish to acknowledge and thank our funders, partners at think tanks and academic institutions, and interlocutors in government, private sector and civil society who have enriched our work.

Navroz K Dubash
Coordinator, CPR Climate Initiative

CPR recognised as a leading climate think tank


We are pleased to let you know that the Centre for Policy Research has been ranked as the leading climate think tank in India, highest among developing country think tanks, and 11th globally by the International Centre for Climate Governance (ICCG) in its standardised global climate think tank ranking for 2015.

The ICCG produces a ‘standardised’ ranking of climate think tanks every year, adjusted for the number of researchers. They also produce an ‘absolute’ ranking, which ranks think tanks independent of size. In both rankings, ICCG uses 15 indicators organised around three categories: Activities, Publications and Dissemination. For details on the rankings for 2015 and methodology used, click here.

CPR’s ranking of 11th globally, and highest among developing country think tanks in the standardised ranking, is based on the output of the 11 researchers at CPR working only on environment and climate related areas among a total staff of about 100. In the absolute ranking, which is not adjusted for size of the environment/climate-related team, CPR is the second highest rated Indian think tank and in the top 100 (34th) globally.

We are pleased to receive this high ranking, which recognises the quality of the work done by our relatively small team. We wish to acknowledge and thank our funders, partners at think tanks and academic institutions, and interlocutors in government, private sector and civil society who have enriched our work.

Navroz K. Dubash
Senior Fellow and Coordinator, Climate Initiative

CPR retains spot as leading India climate think tank for third year in a row


We are pleased to announce that the Centre for Policy Research has been ranked highest in India, 3rd in the Rest of the World category (non-US/Europe), and 15th globally by the International Centre for Climate Governance (ICCG) in its standardized global climate think tank ranking for 2016.

CPR’s ranking is based on the output of the 19 researchers at CPR working only on environment and climate related areas under the Environmental Law and Governance focus area, which includes the Initiative on Climate, Energy and Environment, among our total staff of about 100. In the absolute ranking, which is not adjusted for size of the environment/climate-related team, we are the second highest rated Indian think tank, and in the top 50 (33rd) globally.

The ICCG produces a ‘standardized’ ranking of climate think tanks every year, adjusted for the number of researchers. They also produce an ‘absolute’ ranking, which ranks think tanks independent of size. In both rankings, ICCG uses 15 indicators organized around three categories: Activities, Publications and Dissemination. For the full rankings, see ICCG ranking.

We are pleased to receive this high ranking, which recognizes the quality of the work done by our relatively small team. At the same time, we recognize any such ranking effort necessarily has to simplify a complex research and policy landscape to arrive at quantitative scores. This involves methodological issues, such as how to draw boundaries around environment/climate work, and substantive issues, such as providing equal emphasis to both national and international work, and mitigation and adaptation. The challenges of developing a ranking system that accounts for all these complexities should be kept in mind when reading ranking results.

We wish to acknowledge and thank our funders, partners at think tanks and academic institutions, and interlocutors in government, private sector and civil society who have enriched our work.

A full range of our work can be accessed here.

CPR Dialogues 2020- Indo-US Relations


Watch the full video (above) of the panel discussion on ‘Indo-US Relations’ featuring James Steinberg (Professor, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University and Former United States Deputy Secretary of State); Shivshankar Menon (Former National Security Advisor & Foreign Secretary, India) and moderated by Shekhar Gupta (Founder, ThePrint India).

The historic visit of the US President Donald Trump to India recently has promised to put the relationship between the two countries on a new footing. A close partnership between two of the world’s most significant democracies has long been a stated goal shared by the two governments. Yet successive attempts to deepen this relationship have faced strategic, economic and institutional challenges often resulting in lost opportunities. Situating the India-US relations in the larger global context, this panel attempted to chart out new ways of building on the vast common ground and common visions shared by the two nations.

The panel was organised as part of the second edition of CPR Dialogues, held on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 at the India Habitat Centre. Addressing the theme of Policy Perspectives for 21st-century India, CPR Dialogues 2020 provided a window to the India of the future. Experts from around the country and the world engaged with and debated these very significant development and policy challenges that India faces in the coming decade.

ThePrint India was the digital partner for the event.

Media coverage of the panel discussion can be found below:

Coronavirus spread shows world is still globalised: Former NSA & top diplomat Menon by ThePrint
Videos of other panel discussions organised as part of CPR Dialogues 2020 can be found below:

CPR Dialogues 2020- Inaugural Address by Hon’ble Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
CPR Dialogues 2020- At the Threshold of a New Decade: Navigating the Emerging Geopolitical Landscape
CPR Dialogues 2020- Rights in Times of AI: Emerging Technologies and the Public Law Framework
CPR Dialogues 2020- What Would Happen if We Were to Believe in Indian Agriculture?
CPR Dialogues 2020- Creating an Inclusive Economy in a Digital World
CPR Dialogues 2020- What Would it Take to Build a 21st-century State for India? Launch of CPR’s State Capacity Initiative
CPR Dialogues 2020- Technology and Administrative Reform: Experience from India and the World
CPR Dialogues 2020- Tracking Government Spending: Challenges in Social Policy Financing
CPR Dialogues 2020- The Air Pollution Crisis: Making Political Salience Count
CPR Dialogues 2020- Article 21 and India’s Social and Economic Rights
CPR Dialogues 2020- Challenges in Public Education: Balancing State and Non-State Actors
CPR Dialogues 2020- Emerging Trends in Indian Politics
CPR Dialogues 2020- Are India’s Financial Institutions in Crisis? Understanding India’s Economic Slowdown
CPR Dialogues 2020- The Role of Ideas in Shaping Policy
CPR Dialogues 2020- Land and the Constitution: Solving Land Conflict in India
CPR Dialogues 2020- Political Elites and Local Bureaucratic Capacity

CPR Dialogues 2020- Land and the Constitution: Solving Land Conflict in India


Watch the full video (above) of the panel discussion on ‘Land and the Constitution: Solving Land Conflict in India’ featuring Shyam Divan (Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India); KP Krishnan (Former Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India); Nitin Sethi (Independent Journalist); Usha Ramanathan (Independent Law Scholar) and moderated by Namita Wahi (Fellow and Director, Land Rights Initiative, CPR). The panel marked the completion of five years of the Land Rights Initiative at CPR since it’s founding.

As the Indian Republic turns 70, we are facing fundamental questions about the social contract embodied in the Constitution that brought us together as one nation. This contract was premised on creating a new social and economic order, that would eliminate existing social hierarchies, and bring about both rapid economic development and social redistribution. In other words, we needed to expand the resource pie and redistribute it to impoverished millions, in accordance with the ‘rule of law’. Unfortunately, expansion of the resource pie has come at the expense of landlessness and displacement of farmers, and those dependent upon other traditional occupations, including STs, forest dwellers, cattle grazers and fisherfolk, thereby causing significant land conflict and threatening investments worth $ 200 billion. An estimated 7.7 million people in India are affected by conflict over 2.5 million hectares of land, land disputes clog all levels of courts in India, and account for the largest set of cases in terms of both absolute numbers and judicial pendency.

In this panel celebrating the five-year anniversary of the Land Rights Initiative, we deliberated on how we may eliminate land conflict in India, by addressing the legislative, administrative, and judicial factors responsible for such conflict within the framework of the Constitution.

The panel was organised as part of the second edition of CPR Dialogues, held on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 at the India Habitat Centre. Addressing the theme of Policy Perspectives for 21st-century India, CPR Dialogues 2020 provided a window to the India of the future. Experts from around the country and the world engaged with and debated these very significant development and policy challenges that India faces in the coming decade.

ThePrint India was the digital partner for the event.

An article on land conflict in India, written by Namita Wahi in ThePrint can be accessed here.

Videos of other panel discussions organised as part of CPR Dialogues 2020 can be found below:

CPR Dialogues 2020- Inaugural Address by Hon’ble Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
CPR Dialogues 2020- At the Threshold of a New Decade: Navigating the Emerging Geopolitical Landscape
CPR Dialogues 2020- Rights in Times of AI: Emerging Technologies and the Public Law Framework
CPR Dialogues 2020- What Would Happen if We Were to Believe in Indian Agriculture?
CPR Dialogues 2020- Creating an Inclusive Economy in a Digital World
CPR Dialogues 2020- What Would it Take to Build a 21st-century State for India? Launch of CPR’s State Capacity Initiative
CPR Dialogues 2020- Technology and Administrative Reform: Experience from India and the World
CPR Dialogues 2020- Tracking Government Spending: Challenges in Social Policy Financing
CPR Dialogues 2020- The Air Pollution Crisis: Making Political Salience Count
CPR Dialogues 2020- Article 21 and India’s Social and Economic Rights
CPR Dialogues 2020- Challenges in Public Education: Balancing State and Non-State Actors
CPR Dialogues 2020- Emerging Trends in Indian Politics
CPR Dialogues 2020- Are India’s Financial Institutions in Crisis? Understanding India’s Economic Slowdown
CPR Dialogues 2020- The Role of Ideas in Shaping Policy
CPR Dialogues 2020- Indo-US Relations
CPR Dialogues 2020- Political Elites and Local Bureaucratic Capacity

CPR Dialogues 2020- Political Elites and Local Bureaucratic Capacity


Watch the full video (above) of the panel discussion on ‘Political Elites and Local Bureaucratic Capacity’ featuring Shekhar Gupta (Founder, ThePrint India); Deepak Sanan (Senior Visiting Fellow, CPR); Patrick French (Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University); Jayant Chaudhary (Former Member of Parliament, India); presentation by Rahul Verma (Fellow, CPR) and moderated by Mukulika Banerjee (Director, South Asia Centre, LSE).

There is ample evidence to show that concentration of power in the hands of a small number of political elites has an adverse impact on economic growth and provision of public goods, however our understanding about the conditions under which power concentration takes place is rather limited. The panel responded and reflected to a short presentation made by CPR Fellow Rahul Verma drawing on his fieldwork in Uttar Pradesh which shows that reproduction of traditional power structures as a by-product of well-oiled machinery maintained by few powerful elites – who are generally from upper castes, tend to keep political offices (across various levels) within family, collude with bureaucratic agents and oversee a large patronage network which has links with criminal entrepreneurs and brokers. They often operate like a cartel, which in turn has serious implications for local bureaucratic capacity.

The panel was organised as part of the second edition of CPR Dialogues, held on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 at the India Habitat Centre. Addressing the theme of Policy Perspectives for 21st-century India, CPR Dialogues 2020 provided a window to the India of the future. Experts from around the country and the world engaged with and debated these very significant development and policy challenges that India faces in the coming decade.

ThePrint India was the digital partner for the event.

An article on political elites in India, written by Rahul Verma in ThePrint can be accessed here.

Media coverage of the panel discussion can be read below:

How political elites are placed in India today, and their impact on state capacity by ThePrint
Videos of other panel discussions organised as part of CPR Dialogues 2020 can be found below:

CPR Dialogues 2020- Inaugural Address by Hon’ble Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
CPR Dialogues 2020- At the Threshold of a New Decade: Navigating the Emerging Geopolitical Landscape
CPR Dialogues 2020- Rights in Times of AI: Emerging Technologies and the Public Law Framework
CPR Dialogues 2020- What Would Happen if We Were to Believe in Indian Agriculture?
CPR Dialogues 2020- Creating an Inclusive Economy in a Digital World
CPR Dialogues 2020- What Would it Take to Build a 21st-century State for India? Launch of CPR’s State Capacity Initiative
CPR Dialogues 2020- Technology and Administrative Reform: Experience from India and the World
CPR Dialogues 2020- Tracking Government Spending: Challenges in Social Policy Financing
CPR Dialogues 2020- The Air Pollution Crisis: Making Political Salience Count
CPR Dialogues 2020- Article 21 and India’s Social and Economic Rights
CPR Dialogues 2020- Challenges in Public Education: Balancing State and Non-State Actors
CPR Dialogues 2020- Emerging Trends in Indian Politics
CPR Dialogues 2020- Are India’s Financial Institutions in Crisis? Understanding India’s Economic Slowdown
CPR Dialogues 2020- The Role of Ideas in Shaping Policy
CPR Dialogues 2020- Indo-US Relations
CPR Dialogues 2020- Land and the Constitution: Solving Land Conflict in India

CPR Dialogues 2020- Rights in Times of AI: Emerging Technologies and the Public Law Framework


Watch the full video (above) of the panel discussion on ‘Rights in Times of AI: Emerging Technologies and the Public Law Framework’ featuring Shashi Tharoor (Member of Parliament, India); Madhav Khosla (Associate Professor of Political Science, Ashoka University; Ambedkar Visiting Associate Professor of Law, Columbia University; & Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows); Smriti Parsheera (Fellow, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy) and moderated by Ananth Padmanabhan (Visiting Fellow, CPR).

In the many decades since independence, courts and lawmakers have not had much of an opportunity to evaluate the impact of technology on constitutional values. However, in the past few years, new technological advancements such as biometric identification, facial recognition and other mass surveillance systems, have brought to the fore a new set of challenges that Indian democracy has not dealt with before. While courts have largely weighed in on the side of acknowledging freedoms such as privacy and free speech in the online context, the limitations and exceptions on these freedoms are far from clear. This panel explored the interaction between emerging technologies and existing public law frameworks, the need for novel approaches to address new kinds of harm, and the scope of independent governance in these emerging areas of technology.

The panel was organised as part of the second edition of CPR Dialogues, held on 2nd and 3rd March 2020 at the India Habitat Centre. Addressing the theme of Policy Perspectives for 21st-century India, CPR Dialogues 2020 provided a window to the India of the future. Experts from around the country and the world engaged with and debated these very significant development and policy challenges that India faces in the coming decade.

ThePrint India was the digital partner for the event.

Media coverage of the panel discussion can be found below:

Delhi Police’s use of facial recognition doesn’t fit into idea of democracy: Shashi Tharoor by ThePrint

Videos of other panel discussions organised as part of CPR Dialogues 2020 can be found below:

CPR Dialogues 2020- Inaugural Address by Hon’ble Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
CPR Dialogues 2020- At the Threshold of a New Decade: Navigating the Emerging Geopolitical Landscape
CPR Dialogues 2020- What Would Happen if We Were to Believe in Indian Agriculture?
CPR Dialogues 2020- Creating an Inclusive Economy in a Digital World
CPR Dialogues 2020- What Would it Take to Build a 21st-century State for India? Launch of CPR’s State Capacity Initiative
CPR Dialogues 2020- Technology and Administrative Reform: Experience from India and the World
CPR Dialogues 2020- Tracking Government Spending: Challenges in Social Policy Financing
CPR Dialogues 2020- The Air Pollution Crisis: Making Political Salience Count
CPR Dialogues 2020- Article 21 and India’s Social and Economic Rights
CPR Dialogues 2020- Challenges in Public Education: Balancing State and Non-State Actors
CPR Dialogues 2020- Emerging Trends in Indian Politics
CPR Dialogues 2020- Are India’s Financial Institutions in Crisis? Understanding India’s Economic Slowdown
CPR Dialogues 2020- The Role of Ideas in Shaping Policy
CPR Dialogues 2020- Indo-US Relations
CPR Dialogues 2020- Land and the Constitution: Solving Land Conflict in India
CPR Dialogues 2020- Political Elites and Local Bureaucratic Capacity